oooh!!! Look!! The world is looking all white today! Wow, that's so cool! And what's that stuff falling from the sky?? I wanna go and catch it! My humans were looking outside and saying something about going somewhere but now they won't, they'll stay home. Good, now they can open the door for me coz I wanna go outside and play!! (jumping up and down in utter excitement!)

Okay, now what? Why aren't they here yet to open the door?? MEOW!!

Hey guys, I'm frowning now. Can't you see that on my pretty face? Doesn't look good, huh? So come on over and open that door! Or maybe I'll try another way to get out. How 'bout the curtains? Would that work?

Probably not, and my female human has already yelled at me this morning for throwing things of the furniture and breaking one of her craft punches. Did I do that? She was real mad, I could tell. Oops!

But I still want to go outside, real bad. Now why is that door handle so high up? I need to grow so I can reach it...

It's looking real interesting outside! More stuff is falling from the sky now. This should be fun!
Ah, finally! Done with taking my pictures, huh? I know I look really cute, but you better open that door now!
Wow, fun stuff this white thing! I walk in it, and my paws just disappear. Oh, and it leaves marks! Now I can see the trail where I walked! mm, my paws do get wet though. I'm pretty sure this isn't rain, so how come they get wet? Does this white stuff have a smell? Not really. I can eat it, it melts on my tongue... and tastes like water! How funny! Oooh, gotta go, saw something there....
Oh little flake, come here! I wanna play with you! Why do you disappear when I touch you? It makes me sad that you go away then. Don't you wanna play with me?? Please??
I'll just sit here for a bit, you can always come to me if you are shy and don't want me to come to you. I can wait.....
....but not for long! There are more little flakes! If you don't want to come and play, I'll find another one! There.
Hmm, I like this, the fluffy stuff falling from the sky just got thicker. I think I'm gonna go for a walk. Check out the pond, and maybe the neighbour's yard too. Oh, I do believe I saw a bird there... Off I go! See ya!
Hey! Um, guys?? I'm done playing! I wanna come back inside!
Or am I done playing? I saw something move there. Is that a little flake that wants to play with me now? Yeah now that you see I want back in the house, now you come to play. I don't think so!
I really do need to grow to reach that door handle! I know that's the way to open the door! I could do this myself, if I just grow a bit more. Don't you think I could? I'll practice... :-))
Oh but wait, I just saw something there. A flake to play with?? No, it disappeared again. I don't know why they don't wanna play with me. It was fun trying to catch them though. But you know what? It's cold and I want inside! Gotta get the attention of my humans so one of them comes and opens the door... what to do, what to do??
Got it! That's it! This gets their attention! Yeehaaw!!
See I can reach the door handle?? Just need to build up some weight now so the door actually opens when I do this. Heheh, I'll get there one of these days, I swear. ;-))
I'm tired of playing now, so I'm gonna take a long nap. Bye for now!
Paw Prints,