oooh!!! Look!! The world is looking all white today! Wow, that's so cool! And what's that stuff falling from the sky?? I wanna go and catch it! My humans were looking outside and saying something about going somewhere but now they won't, they'll stay home. Good, now they can open the door for me coz I wanna go outside and play!! (jumping up and down in utter excitement!)

Okay, now what? Why aren't they here yet to open the door?? MEOW!!

Hey guys, I'm frowning now. Can't you see that on my pretty face? Doesn't look good, huh? So come on over and open that door! Or maybe I'll try another way to get out. How 'bout the curtains? Would that work?

Probably not, and my female human has already yelled at me this morning for throwing things of the furniture and breaking one of her craft punches. Did I do that? She was real mad, I could tell. Oops!

But I still want to go outside, real bad. Now why is that door handle so high up? I need to grow so I can reach it...

It's looking real interesting outside! More stuff is falling from the sky now. This should be fun!
Ah, finally! Done with taking my pictures, huh? I know I look really cute, but you better open that door now!
Wow, fun stuff this white thing! I walk in it, and my paws just disappear. Oh, and it leaves marks! Now I can see the trail where I walked! mm, my paws do get wet though. I'm pretty sure this isn't rain, so how come they get wet? Does this white stuff have a smell? Not really. I can eat it, it melts on my tongue... and tastes like water! How funny! Oooh, gotta go, saw something there....
Oh little flake, come here! I wanna play with you! Why do you disappear when I touch you? It makes me sad that you go away then. Don't you wanna play with me?? Please??
I'll just sit here for a bit, you can always come to me if you are shy and don't want me to come to you. I can wait.....
....but not for long! There are more little flakes! If you don't want to come and play, I'll find another one! There.
Hmm, I like this, the fluffy stuff falling from the sky just got thicker. I think I'm gonna go for a walk. Check out the pond, and maybe the neighbour's yard too. Oh, I do believe I saw a bird there... Off I go! See ya!
Hey! Um, guys?? I'm done playing! I wanna come back inside!
Or am I done playing? I saw something move there. Is that a little flake that wants to play with me now? Yeah now that you see I want back in the house, now you come to play. I don't think so!
I really do need to grow to reach that door handle! I know that's the way to open the door! I could do this myself, if I just grow a bit more. Don't you think I could? I'll practice... :-))
Oh but wait, I just saw something there. A flake to play with?? No, it disappeared again. I don't know why they don't wanna play with me. It was fun trying to catch them though. But you know what? It's cold and I want inside! Gotta get the attention of my humans so one of them comes and opens the door... what to do, what to do??
Got it! That's it! This gets their attention! Yeehaaw!!
See I can reach the door handle?? Just need to build up some weight now so the door actually opens when I do this. Heheh, I'll get there one of these days, I swear. ;-))
I'm tired of playing now, so I'm gonna take a long nap. Bye for now!
Paw Prints,
Dear Wezz & Mops,
What a cute series of pictures and narrative on your cat and experiences with snowfall.
Here in Wisconsin we broke the record for snowfall for December and even the larger of our 2 dogs has lots of resistance out in the deep snow. Some spots she can move fast, then down into a drift that is not as solid.
It's been a month of lots of shoveling, snow blowing, bad winter roads, etc. I hope the new year and new month brings us far less! But it is beautiful, especially when the trees get loaded up with new snow and the old dog do-do gets covered up!!!
Happy New Year to you and Mops, may you both enjoy your snowfall(s)
Ken - Wisconsin
Hiya Mops,
I do wish we would get some snow here too. Mommy just told me I looked just like you when I was little. I like to go out and play and I often bring a mouse home to Mommy and sometimes live bunnys. She always takes them away though. I wonder why?
She is realy cute!!!
Can't you just see those leedle feline mental wheels turning? She has such beautiful markings!
Oh my goodness lol! You got some funny pics..this would be a good children s story! She's adorable!
Awww how cute. We used to have a cat who could open doors. She used to jump up and swing on the handle til it opened. Your cat is gorgeous.
That is just an adorable little story! Your cat is very beautiful.
I think Mops is very lucky to have a warm spot to sleep and to live where there isn't 45 inches of snow where I live with our cats....our inside cat, Panther doesn't even ask to go out in this weather and our barn cat(s), well Merlin lives in the house in the winter, T comes in to warm up and the other 3 live under the light we hung up for's -28 C most of the time here...BRRRRR
Betty in ND USA
What a little cutie pie! A brand new adventure. Thanks for sharing.
I love seeing the pets featured on blogs. Happy New Year!
Hey Mops, how you doing. Our names are Benny and Simba and our human Mummy is Cockney Blonde. She knows your Mummy through KCUK.
We just love playing in Mummy's craft room cos there's loadsa paper and stuff to pinch and run off with. Our Mummy is always telling us off. Even the vet says we are really naughty kittens so we must be real BAD...and we're only 5 months so I guess we have got a lot more badness to come...
We've not been out in the snow yet as Mummy said we were too little, but it looks real fun and perhaps she'll let us play in it the next time it comes.
Off now to try out the door handles. Meow!!!
Mops you are a sweetie! I didn't see you shaking the snow off your paws like my kitties do, LOL! Snow is fun but only for awhile.
I saw your post on BaM and had to come check this out. That last picture is priceless! HOW FUNNY!!
Thanks for sharing. :)
Becci ZB16
What a total sweetie - get ready that one is going to be a handful!!!
Maybe you can teach her to let herself out? LOL
Robyn Hawk
What a cute kitty! Looks like her female human is pretty good at reading her mind! ;-)
Such a fun blog post!
It was fun seeing the snow through Mops' eyes. You're lucky to have such a beautiful, inquisitive girl. Gotta love 'em! Judy Mc
What a wonderful adventure, my name is Samantha and my human won't let me go outside, we haven't had any snow yet, but again it's winter and it can happen. I'll bet that my human might even let me experience snow. So keep your paws crossed, let it snow, let it snow, please let it snow. I want to see some of the fluffy white stuff...
From your feline friend, Sam
and her human caregiver, jill
Mrrrow! Purrrrr... and now it's nap time zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Aww I knew you could reach that handle if you just trued! way to go!
Wat een ontzettende leuke poes!!!
What a little cutie pie. So curious. Thanks for sharing.
so cute. I have a tabby - Annie, but she is an indoor kitty - still very interesting to observe though.
Lynn in N.S., Canada.
My black kitty, Coraline, wants to know how you figured out how the get up onto that skinny little door handle. We're getting freezing rain on top of our snow, so that litter box is beginning to look better than the neighbor's yard right now!
Jan in Minnesota
Coraline on Jan's bed
Morgan (GSP) in her crate
That was perfect! Sounds like you had a lot of fun putting this together. Very sweet!
Hi Wezz ... You did a 'great' job narrating what your cat does in a day or on a 'snowy' day. My cat loves to sit and watch the snow flakes come down, she's always reaching for them and is such fun to observe. Thanks for sharing with everyone, BIG hugs, Sandi
Mops you are the greatest!!!! I love how you played in the snow and learned how to open the door... Looking forward to mor of your kittie play time and growing big enough to opeen the door.
That is so cute! I love cats. Mine don't go outside though. But they do love to sit in the windowsill and watch the snow.
Great pics of your kitty Wezz. We have a 6 month old kitten and she is so much fun. x0x Annie P
Prachtverhaal!! Ik blijf zeker volgen wat dat nieuwsgierige beestje nog allemaal beleefd...
geweldige foto's !!!!!
veel geluk met je nieuwe blog !!
HOW PRECIOUS!!!!!! I have one with similiar coloring -- called Pepper!! They're a riot, aren't they?
totally adorable !
Hi Wezz!
I LOVE this story of Mops' Adventures!!!! I'd like to see more!! I LOVE kitties!!!! LOL!!!!!
So sweet!! :-))
Thank you for sharing the first snow adventure with us! :-)
What a cute kitty and sweet story!
Thank you so much for sharing!
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